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Contact your local officials

Thanks for submitting!

Leaders who support bicycling are critical to the work of advocates and to the lives of all people who ride bikes.


Please reach out to your local officials to share your successes, struggles, concerns and solutions for a more bicycle friendly Rochester.

Find your representatives here!


Rochester City Officials

Olmsted County Officials

Report a dangerous situation

Did you experience a dangerous situation or have a close call?

Report it and help keep everyone safe!

For dangerous infrastructure:

Contact the City of Rochester


For Emergency issues - stop sign or yield sign down, traffic signal outage/failure (goes to Rochester Public Works Infrastructure Maintenance)

507-328-2450 - Main
507-254-7704 - After Hours
507-254-7705 - Holiday/Weekend


For Infrastructure Issues like potholes (goes to Rochester Public Works)


For a sidewalk snow removal issue (goes to Rochester Public Works)

Phone: 507-328-2400


For another side walk issue - severe crack or edge mismatch issue (goes to Rochester Public Works)

Phone: 507-328-2422  


For Non-Emergency Traffic Issues - reporting poor traffic behavior/traffic concern/improper parking (goes to Rochester Police) Please ALSO record if safely possible to do so and submit this to us!

Public Safety Non-Emergency Phone: 507-328-6800

Call and describe the location/intersection and what you observe.

For dangerous behavior:

Safely Record if Possible

​Attempt to get info including the plate, make and model, location, and if at all possible a description of the driver. 

Some of the dangerous driver behavior we are hoping to highlight:


  • Cars and Trucks Parked and Traveling in bike-lanes

  • Aggressive driving

    • Driving threateningly close

    • 'Punish Passing'

    • Running you off the road

  • 'Rolling Coal'

  • Cars Rolling into and thru Crosswalks






If you would like to report an issue not listed above, such as a gap in the bike path network or areas where bike parking is needed, please contact us at We actively collect this information to improve our infrastructure and continue making bicycling in Rochester safer for everyone.

Report a different issue
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