A Bicycle Friendly Business District is a partnership between the neighborhood, business organizations and We Bike Rochester, the Rochester Bicycle Coalition.
Our Bicycle Friendly Business District program seeks to:
Enhance the “bike local” and “shop local” connection
Promote district business development, community building, and physical activity
Increase parking availability for visitors and residents who cannot ride a bicycle
Complement complete streets objectives, traffic calming, and neighborhood development in Rochester
Determine program structure and elements for broader citywide program
Improve a business district’s bicycle friendliness through bicycle infrastructure and local business promotions to bicyclists
Encourage and promote local trips by bicycle, especially for shopping, dining, and recreation
Program Benefits for Members:
Assistance with obtaining bicycle parking
Free participation in educational opportunities for bicycle safety and commuting how-to
Bicycle promotion and education information materials
Walk Your Bike Downtown campaign
Rochester Bicycle Maps
Listing as a Bicycle Friendly Business on RCVB website and WeBikeRochester.com with regular social media engagement
Window Cling to display for identification as a Bicycle Friendly Business
Opportunity to offer deals to bicyclists on shopping, dining and recreation (ie. Bike Saturdays)
Support toward applying for the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Business Award
Hosting bike socials
Newsletter with Bicycle Friendly Business recommendations